The Gender Cult & Other Myths About Trans Lives

Is gender ideology a dangerous cult that is harming today’s youth? Trans-exclusive radical feminists (TERFs), freedom fighters in B.C. , and other anti-trans activists claim to be standing up for the rights of youth who are being influenced and confused by a “gender cult”. They claim members of this cult are persuading vulnerable teenagers to go through dangerous gender affirming medical procedures that can result in a lifetime of regret.

These concerns are leveraged by people who have regretted their own transitions, and by parents who claim their children have been assaulted by trans women. Vancouver Island residents recently protested outside Nanaimo and Cowichan community centers after incidents of alleged change room voyeurism by a trans woman, and violence involving a cis man who cited human rights code that protects trans people as his reason for using the woman’s change room.

The Cowichan protestors claimed to be advocating for the protection of women’s safe spaces, and specified they were not protesting trans identities. Despite this, many of the protest signs displayed anti-trans messaging such as “stop transing the gay away”, “stop sexualizing the children”, and denouncements of SOGI education. Multiple incidents of cis men being caught and charged with acts of bathroom and change room voyeurism in B.C. over the last several years have also failed to result in protests advocating for the protection of women’s spaces. 

During any moral panic, false and hyperbolic claims are powerful drivers of public opinion, and often work to activate the careers of bad faith public figures. These claims can easily trick well intentioned people into perpetuating hate and discrimination against the individuals, in this case youth, they are seeking to protect. Let’s unpack some of the claims about trans lives and experiences circulating around the Cowichan Valley, and take a quick look at some of the emerging critiques of the Cass review (at bottom of post). 

“Gender ideology is a cult.”

This is classic fear mongering that feeds the current moral panic about the children and women who need “saving”. If one is interesting in protecting trans youth, calling them by their correct names and pronouns, meaning the name and pronouns they identity with, will literally save them.

“Normalizing [minorities] will lead to a breakdown of society.”

The acceptance of interracial marriage was predicted to end the existence (and dominance) of white people, and yet that has not happened. In 2014, Fox News’ Keith Ablow claimed legalizing same-sex marriage would result in individuals demanding the right to marry dogs.

Similarly, anti-trans “activists” are claiming that the normalization of trans identities is confusing gay children into gender transitioning. This is in check with the alt-right’s authoritarian worldview which values strict, punitive, black and white social rules to prevent behaviours they consider stigmatized.

There is no evidence that children choose to transition genders based on peer pressure or modeling. What child would choose to put themselves into a social position that is stigmatized and dangerous

“Trans people want to create more trans people with a ‘gay agenda’ that includes ‘social contagions’ and ‘grooming’”.

This is the same claim made in the 1980s about gays and lesbians. Trans people and their allies don’t want to “create” more trans people, they want to create a world where trans people can safely exist. 

“Gender-affirming care is part of a conspiracy enacted by power-mad doctors and Big Pharma.”

Numbers demonstrate that ‘little to no’ gender-affirming surgeries are being performed on minors in the United States, and those that are performed are overwhelmingly on cisgender minors. Out of the 151 breast reductions that were performed in 2019 on American minors, 146 (97 percent) were performed on cisgender males.”

If this concern about gender affirming surgeries for trans youth is genuine, we’d expect to see at least as much advocacy against the more profitable and more common gender affirming surgeries for cis youth, but we do not.

“Trans people don't exist.”

Cultures around the world have acknowledged people existing outside a binary for thousands of years. Evidence of trans identities dates back at least 4,500 years beginning in Prague, Czech Republic.

Thailand has recognized two spirited, or Kathoey individuals for thousands of years.  

The first US documentation of trans identities begins with the Public Universal Friend in 1776,  and Indigenous cultures in North America have been recognizing two-spirited identities since before colonization began.

History has taught us the tragic effects of dehumanization. Denying the existence of human identities, including refusing to use correct pronouns , is part of the dehumanization process. Dehumanizing others makes it easier to eliminate a class of person through legal means or social license.

“Experts don't agree about gender-affirming care.”

Credible experts do agree, but you need to be able to identify them. With so much disinformation circulating online, it can be difficult to discern who is and who isn’t trustworthy. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics was founded in 1930 and is made up of 67,000 pediatricians; the American College of Pediatricians was founded in 2002 and is made up of a few hundred members. The latter group has been named as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and has been accused by researchers of mischaracterizing their studies. The former advocates for gender inclusive care.

“Teens transition due to social pressure and regret it.

Exploring gender is part of learning about yourself and is something youth do. Changing pronouns hurts no one, and most teens do not receive surgery. If they were to receive gender affirming surgery, data shows the rate of regret is less than 1%.

Other survey studies show strong evidence that most gender fluid and trans teens who settle on their gender assigned at birth did not undergo hormone therapy during their exploration time.

When children are allowed to explore gender as a child, not all will be trans but all will benefit. The individuals will always be the experts of themselves, and if we allow self-exploration to occur without pressure or stigma, a trans or gender fluid teenager will likely come into their preferred or correct self in the same way most teenagers eventually do.

“Trans women will develop a micro penis and stop having orgasms.”

Consider your source. Is this information being shared in good faith by a trans supportive agency or trans individual? Or is it part of a fear campaign that further stigmatizes trans women?

Cis people bringing attention to trans people’s genitalia and sex lives mirrors the same sexualized probing and voyeurism that has targeted gay and lesbian communities. Other people’s genitals are none of your business. 

The Cass Review

Examining the critiques of this review is best practice if you truly want what is best for trans teens.

Poor or bad faith interpretations can have dramatically destructive effects on policy and create more stigma and danger for trans people.

To better understand the Cass review, go directly to the research cited to see what the authors say. Follow science communicators online who are working toward unbiased and clear facilitation of research results. 

Other articles about the Cass review can be read here

And here

And here

And here

If you are working to end gender affirming care for trans youth, consider the following:

  • Closely examine where you are getting your information from. Are you considering a range of evidence from a variety of good faith sources? What rebuttals to anti-trans claims can you find?

  • Consider the effects of sharing your opinion. Who are you helping?

  • Consider your proximity to and experiences with trans people. Who do you know in your every day life and what have they taught you?

  • How would you feel about strangers trying to command policy and decisions over your body?

A simple internet search will bring you to many points of myth busting about trans people. Do not stop learning and keeping your mind open to new possibilities.

This contribution was by S.S. and S.G.


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